James’ Expertise featured in Financial Planning Today!

Our Young Leader Planner, James Gordon, is the tech master here at AKFP, from fixing dodgy keyboards and mouse’s to researching our secure client portal, James has it covered.

Technological advances have allowed AKFP employees to work remotely, meaning that anywhere can be the office, whether that be a coffee shop in town or by the pool in a sunnier climate! The closure of the office building in July is possible because of our love of always looking for the next technological advancement that we can implement into the business.

James is at the forefront of our drive to continually improve employee and client experience through the use of technology. We can communicate securely with our clients using an app that also provides them with daily valuations and allows them to track their spending.

Read the full article here or click on the image to the right.

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    Important information

    AKFP Group is the trading name of AKFP Ltd which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (http://www.fsa.gov.uk/). Financial Services Register No: 176477.

    The Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS) is an agency for arbitrating on unresolved complaints between regulated firms and their clients. Full details of the FOS can be found on its website at www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk.

    AKFP Ltd, Registered Address: Building 2, The Sidings, Antrim Road, Lisburn, BT28 3AJ. Registered in Northern Ireland, No. NI29631.

    The information contained within this site is subject to the UK regulatory regime and is therefore targeted primarily at consumers based in the UK.
