It gives me great pleasure to advise that we have again successfully been awarded BS 8577 – Framework for the provision of financial advice and planning services by Standards International Ltd.
BS 8577 is a British Standard designed to assess and award financial planning firms who can demonstrate that they have the operational framework in place to deliver a first-class service to their clients.
In addition, Roger Kennedy has again been awarded ISO 22222 Personal Financial Planning – requirements for personal financial planners by Standards International Ltd.
ISO 22222 is an internationally agreed benchmark that assesses and awards financial planners who can demonstrate that they have the knowledge, skills, experience and ethical values to deliver a first-class service to their clients.
The service that we provide to our clients is of the utmost importance and in order to benchmark our service and internal processes against the international standard of best practice, we entered into a rigorous process of assessment.
This makes us one of a small but growing group of financial planning firms in the UK, and the only ones in Northern Ireland, to have achieved these prestigious awards.
Your needs are at the heart of our business and this is why we are committed to a programme of ongoing assessment, ensuring that our processes and services will be continually assessed by an independent certification body on an annual basis.